10:31 PM
few days ago, went to this lady's office to buy a sample of the cordyceps that her family is consuming. (because we are going to run a test on it)
so she was convinced by my work attitude, started to ask about how long have i been working at this company..
so my answer shocked her. her guess is 2 years..
so she asked about my pay.. and introduced about HER company.
so i kept going off track, cause quite a sensitive topic.. talked about cordyceps after...
then she asked if i am attached. she wants to introduce my to her son. one year younger than me, in ns right now, got a place in NUS pharmacy, yada yada.
ask me where i stay.. yada yada.
nice person.. but a little bit scary. (too honest i guess, :X)
introduced me to her sis in law...
yeapps. good to have compliments :]
jamming and party last night.
didnt really party, just ate pizzas together...
and played guitar hero.
had a band meeting..
nice feeling.. like a small little family..
ratish spot some other apartment with a party as well.
a few big boobies girls with hunks jumping around, playing games i think..
so the guys then discussed about the diff races' noticeable good appearances.
like malays have good butts, chinese got good legs.... etc etc.
christmas is coming.
getting busier again!
treasure them
4:06 PM
finally wrote my first email in chinese...
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11:07 PM
i want to fall back into my city of wonder.
let me think twice.
bum bum bee da dum dum de da dum.
be sure. :]
treasure them
4:52 PM
after years and years of being with her.
knowing that both of their interests are conflicting.
still staying together because he felt that the person sleeping right beside him knows himself best.
i have never met her in real life. but i do know she has a very kind heart.
quite a pity to know if her boyfriend is having an 'affair' outside.
and i know im such a slut-to-be, by tying him down with the 'mesmerizing things' that i can do.
everytime, i got his inside thoughts right, he would give me a kiss on the cheek and look at me..
the eyes that say... "yeah. you know me. but i do know that you are not a good girl."
*just thinking back*
sprinkle some sugar on me please.
you know what i have changed to.
treasure them
10:39 PM
bro fed her a lot of food.
so in the photo, she is slping with all the food still in her mouth.
yeah. slping with her eyes open.

then talked to someone.
a math fanatic.
and we talked about doing roadshows (i had one today)
and he mentioned that he had done one, promoting on math.
and using soap bubbles as the attraction.
so below was his explanation on solving difficult optimization problems with soap films.

yeah. i dun see any problem.
just blow a stupid bubble la.
do your blow job!
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10:19 PM
havent seen parents for very long, and the moment seen my mother.
gave her money.
and she asked for my credit card money.
then i pointed to her "erm aint these for the CNY wear?"
she said "eh, you started to earn money already. should pay for your own clothes."
then i said again "huh. like that de ar?"
she "wah you can go restaurant and eat, yet CNY clothes cannot afford for yourself. Im still paying for your transport and HP bills you know."
me "i can transfer to your account the amount if you want."
she just #$%^&*() the rest.
putting insurance, and everything.
oh whatever.
it's not like i cant handle the bills to pay for myself.
just need to control my spending habits and start to earn some bucks by myself outside.
F you, mum.
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10:00 AM
played guitar hero last night.
im super super addicted to it.
im starting to feel better.
with music i guess. :]
love love.
when can i get my drumssss
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10:05 AM
someone brought me to the jewel box for dinner.
lol. damn romantic and super duper high class...
saw Ashley Chua there... o.O
with his kid and wife.. super O.O
then took cable car ride down to sentosa.
and a back ride down to the beach. (cause i was wearing heels)
that someone laid down a blanket, and laid out the dessert. (not himself)
so ate the dessert, talked about nerdy stuffs, sang monah monah & swedish chef, yada yada.
*skipped the depressing part*
waited at the bus stop for almost 45 mins.
then realised eh. damn! no more bus!
during the wait, played parachuting, tram dance, yada yada.
so scolded ourselves for being stupid for a few mins, then cable car back to mt faber.
during the bike trip back, saw an accident on PIE.
lost my left side earring, although makes no diff right or left....
was kinda slpy, almost frog-eyed.
hee. thank you for the trip.
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2:33 PM
was it just all a dream?
that you end up wondering if it's going to continue when you wake up.
i feel like a fucked up fool.
ok. something is wrong with my ears.
i can hear a 'teeeeee' sound at random times for very long.
shit. sounds like an F note.
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12:05 AM
not in the topic for love.
guess im gonna cry to slp again.
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12:12 AM
weee. i am starting to love the mess on my table.
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11:29 PM
need to concentrate on work.
now senior boss putting more stuff on my shoulders,
cant get to stoned at my desk anymore.
have to fill up my life with activities.
need to.
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11:40 PM
dropped silver on the ground again.
was making her follow my eyeliner on my hand.. then she missed a step.
no blood seen this time, just a little bit of screaming when she couldnt flip herself to her fours.
pooor silver.
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11:11 PM
just talked to my mum.
felt like vomitting blood.
think she feels the same way too.
she just assumes that i know what is on her mind, and i would just 'click' to her freq.
oh wells.
Hade en njutbar dag i dag.
bought a pair of shoes.. and some *toooooots*
havent gone shopping like this for so long...
realised that i am getting a little afraid of needles now...
good luck for tml, jy.
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11:27 PM
it is funny how i checked on a swedeee's blog everyday, when i dun even understand what he is writing..
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10:01 PM
hey lady, can you hear the whispers from the surroundings?
walking down, shadows followed.
it seemed that i am not alone.
i am not the only one who is loving someone, and at the same time being loved by another person.
we followed the world's commands too much.
please. dun follow your heart.
just make a bloody decision.
treasure them
11:23 PM
practiscing practiscing.
super wet morning today, yet have to get out of bed early and dress up for work.
my prev dentist recommend me to his friend (also a dentist), his staff going for leave..
so nobody to attend to his recept work. so yeah.
i gave quite a low price for myself. but he raised it about .35 times higher.
good good.
went home, cooked lunch, slept.
green called and i gave him a scolding.
because i thought he called on sunday morning at 6am asking me if i want to eat dinner at jln bukit merah.
LIKE HELL NO! (actually sat 6pm)
woke up, made my way to grandma's place and have dinner.
shared my driving exp with everyone.
lala. good surprise to all of them.
have wanted to travel.
wanted to confess.
to pour in emotions.
now i have experienced again- loving someone is painful.
too painful.
i need to get the stress out of my mind.
cause have been taking wrong directions (more frequently and longer period)
and some other things.
oh yeah. when i wake up and look at my pillow nowadays...
just gives me a scare. toooo much fallen hair.
well. maybe im not made to love someone.
i just dunno how to contain.
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