nature's beautiful music; <body>
!& HER
hoppy 20.
trying to hippy hop around
loving what i hate :]
pms DUN rule me.
im quite random


1. 45kg!
2. for transport to be gone from earth
3. people to be simple like sally
4. everybody to be bond like covalent bonds
5. perhaps can use ramachandran plot to check out if we are living life correctly..




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designer: Pu Fang((:
fonts: 1| 2
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tools: PS7¬epad
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click here(:

Sallys Ma Ma
Friday, June 26, 2009
12:52 AM

tonight is a dark night, darker than yesterday but warmer.
i felt gloomy today thinking about how and why bad things should happen to someone.
chef says that it is to remind us not to be too spoilt, and that misfortune is not really fair to everyone.
i have not figured that out yet.
1. will misfortune teach lessons that maybe one will learn?
2. will misfortune warn others around one to not take things for granted?

i cannot understand why happiness cannot be prolonged and why one is not easily satisfied.
cannot understand what love is and if it can be judged or measured.
even more when people are able to get away with things just by making excuses than apologise.
and i wonder how the mind forgives and accepts hatred.

farn. i feel so sad right now.

;treasure them

Friday, June 12, 2009
11:46 AM

My travelmate is rather slow for some time. So lovely dad is going to help me repair it's mechanism. Did some backup data and looked through the photos from last year of poly till now... and mmm. really brought back loads of memories. band, W35P and isaac. oh wells.


i remembered someone told me indirectly that i am illogical twice in 3 seconds with complete shakings of the head as well. It actually sadden me a little, but to think of it, I guess logic will never be complete with a twist of creativity. As long as you are on the edge of logic without falling into the category of being lame. heh heh.

still amazed at how i am not able to categorise things on my table and in my cupboard. i really pei fu my exbf who is so tidy and neat with his things. it feels like i am in a library every time i walked into his room, just without the air-conditioner on. talking about sorting things, i am still not able to sort presents, books, music, and some others.

i have learned to sort photos. by date of course. i used to sort it by nice or not then to category of friends (every friend has a folder..) then moving on to dates. which works out neatly :]
still having a problem with other stuffs, my table and cupboard is in a huge mess. cause i think they are erm. similar... like for paper... do i sort according to year? subject? color of folder? importance? it is possible to sort the paper according to all those i have listed.. but that won't be me. i like to be in a huge mess. haha.

so let's move on to wardrobe. i used to sort it by length, then moving on to color, then to parts of the body. but each time i did, it will be in a mess 2 days later... as i flip the clothes around to choose what i want to wear. face it. i cant just wear according to which comes first. sometimes, it just looks totally off and it doesnt suit my mood at all. so now, i sort it by how often i wear it.

well. all this talk just to say that i really admire people who can sort things out naturally by using their common sense. i definitely have common sense, just not common enough to understand the right from wrong, from sorting... but for black and white, for natural procedures such as mathematics, i guess i am pretty sure where i am heading. for i have too many views on one particular subject. for a cup does not really have to rest on a coaster to dry its butt. well, that really proves messy me then :]


;treasure them

Thursday, June 04, 2009
7:57 PM

Chef has been away for some time now.. And my trip is coming real soon.
and Rarrs. the mosquitoes at home are really bugging me.
I still keep getting bites from Mr. Anonymous.
Parents say that it must be bed bugs, cause i get a series of bites in a certain area.
Last night, I slept in the living room on hard wood. :(
STILL, i got a bite on the hand. (1 bite still good. normally i get 3).
This morning, took all the covers and poured hell lots of dettol, bleach and powered detergent (not exaggerating).
put the pillows and bolsters out to the living room to face the sun.
and smoked the entire room with this smoky thingy.

apparently, one of this is enough to make me faint.
So i decided that since i hate the mozzies.. i put 4 and head to shower.
After shower, my room was smoking like SHIT! CANT even see my own bed.
Opened the windows, brushed my teeth, but decided to close the windows and light up another two of that smoky thing.
Yeah. I smoked it till evening about 6...

I JUST got another series of bites on the back of my shoulder!

;treasure them